
Niigata International Food Award


About Winners
Main Prize/Mr. Tatsushi Tsuboi
National Crops Resource Research Institute (Uganda) JICA Expert / Senior Adviser for Rice Farming Technology (Japan)

Over the 30 years, he has been involved in leadership of rice cultivation technology in developing countries of Asia, the Middle East and Africa. First half, he coached on rice cultivation technology around the Asian countries. After that, to carrying out the activities of Africa, starting with Ivory Coast, focusing on potential dry-land rice (NERICA), which was developed in the mid-1990s, since 2004, he is working to spread and test research for the NERICA “NEw RICe for Africa” promotion in Uganda. Farmers and agricultural stakeholders in Uganda which benefited through his technical guidance amounted to 14 thousand people or more. He is a global authority of the technical development of a rice crop in Africa, and when international society including Japan tackles rice crop promotion in Africa, continuing to play a core role is expected.

Sano Touzaburo Special Prize/Prof. C.L. Laxmipathi Gowda
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Deputy Director for General-Research (India)

Over the past 37 years, with focusing on anti-wilt, high yield, and anti-psyllium, Dr. Gowda has been involved in research and development of improved chickpea. He and his team developed an advanced variety series and supplied them to the breeders of more than 30 countries around the world. On the basis of this kind material, scientists of 10 developing countries, were able to develop a high-yield varieties of 68 kinds. Many of these varieties remarkably contributed to increase farmers’ income and nations’ GDP.

21st Century Hope Prize /Mr. Hiroyuki Nakai
Applied Biological Chemistry Department, Agriculture Faculty, Niigata University(Japan)

Although various oligosaccharide exists in the nature and the each has original functionality and convenience, since it is very difficult to produce the each single oligosaccharide which is rich in diversity for bulk preparation, the only small quantity of them can be used in industries now. With the help of glucose-related enzymes which exist in the nature named phosphorylase as a safe biological catalyst, he greatly expanded (more than 200 kinds) the variation of beneficial oligosaccharide for health maintenance of human beings. And he also succeeded in developing a Low-cost innovative general-purpose manufacturing technology through high-yield conversion to functional oligosaccharide from vegetable or marine biomass.

Screening Committee
Hideaki Karaki President, Foundation of Food Safety and Security
Kiyotaka Akasaka President, Foreigh Press Center Japan
Hayato Ishii Editorial Committee Member of Kyodo News
Vice President of Japan Agricultural Journalists' Association
Masayoshi Konno Chairman CEO, The Japan Food Journal
Motoko Sakamoto Professor emeritus and Councilor of Wayo Women’s University
Akio Shibata President of Natural Resource Research Institute Inc.
Shinichi Shogenji Professor, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Cindy Heijdra Agricultural Counsellor of Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Hajime Hikino Secretary general of Japanese Assosiation of Science & Technology Journalist
Ikuo Hirayama Presidet, Niigata University of International and Information Studies
Akio Yamanoi Adviser, Ajinomoto Co., Inc.